Tingaud / Interieurs(Signed)

Jean-Marc Tingaud



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/198   Size/320*250*23
French photographer Jean-Marc Tingaud's photo book "Tingaud / Intérieurs". This book is a collection of interior photographs by Tingaud, published in 1991 by Contourjour, a French photographer Claude Nori. It is composed of a unique cutout of a fragment of a wall and the interiors of France, Italy, Croatia, Poland and Morocco. Everyday items that are casually placed without order are photographed with a vivid color scheme and a composition that has been calculated, and the atmosphere and the memory of that time are engraved. A number of works that make you feel attached to the land and things. It's more like a still life than an interior photo, and it's a book that gives off the rich sensibilities of a French photographer. With a signature.
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<Condition> Jacket: Low thread, low stain, low blur Main body: Low edge damage, other years