遠い場所の記憶:1951-1966 / Remote Past a Memoir:1951-1966

川田 喜久治 / Kikuji Kawada


Publisher/Case Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/180*230*30
Photo collection of Kikuharu Kawada, one of Japan's leading post-war photographers. Born in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1933, after graduating from Rikkyo High School and University, he worked at Shinchosha, where he took charge of gravure photography, etc., but left the company for several years and became free. Leaded by critic and critic Ikuo Fukushima, participated in “10 Eyes” and “VIVO” pursuing a new photographic expression that is not limited to realism photography. Announcing one of the best masterpieces “Map / The Map”. Master Kikuharu Kawada, who continues to pursue something that cannot be visualized based on magnificent themes such as “World” and “Universe”, and continues to work creatively since 2000. This book is a collection of works published in 2016, and is a book composed of illustrations taken during the period of Rikkyo University, VIVO, and more than 15 years before the creation of “Map” (for weekly magazines) Excluding works). From a clear realism influenced by Ken Domon to an implied realism that leads to a map, this book contains works from the early days of Kawada and the beginning of style. Text and design by Kei Masuda Yoshihisa Tanaka.
<Related Artists> 川田 喜久治 / Kikuji Kawada
<Condition> Body: Beauty