山本悍右 -不可能の伝達者- / Kansuke Yamamoto -Conveyor of the Impossible-

山本 悍右 / Kansuke Yamamoto

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/150*213*23
A collection of works by Yusuke Yamamoto (1914-1987), a Japanese photographer and poet. A surrealist representing Japan that has been active since the prewar days. His father, along with Chotaro Hidaka and others, established "Aitomo Photo Club" as a base for art photography in an era of high pictorialism. It was said that he had already started writing poetry at the age of 15, and when he dropped out of college and returned to Nagoya, he went to Nagoya with his famous Shigego Yoo, Satoshi Sakata, and Sanyo Yamanaka. Formed “Photo Avantgarde”. In addition, he was actively presenting his work in the doujinshi “VOU” by multi-artist Katsue Kitazono. After the war, in addition to VOU, he published photographs and poems in numerous photo and art magazines, designed the collection of works by Keiichiro Goto and others, and also taught backwards as an advisor to the Student Photo Federation. This book is a pictorial book published at the Tokyo Station Gallery in 2001, and is a valuable book that details the entire career of Tomohiro Yamamoto in works and texts.
<Related Artists> 北園 克衛 / Katue Kitasono
<Condition> Good.