光跡 1号 / Koseki No.1

フォト三河 / Foto Mikawa



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/200*220*5
This is the first edition of the photo magazine “Hikari”, which was published by “Photo Mikawa”, a camera circle based in Aichi from the late 1970s to around 1990. The representative was Hiroyuki Yamamoto, who has published many photo collections on Mikawa's climate and culture. Editing seems to have been done by Yamamoto, and the recorded work is monochrome. It seems that the works that each photographed as they wanted were collected as a collection of works by collecting their pocket money. And this stylish cover design was born in the same Aichi Prefecture, and was created by Shintaro Amioka, a multi-artist who worked on graphic installation, typography and architectural design in addition to art installations. Initially it is published once a year, but once every three years from the middle, publications after issue 7 are unknown. At times, there are many amazing illustrations such as unusual nudity, lyrical beautiful scenery, and tasteful snaps.
<Related Artists> フォト三河 / Foto Mikawa味岡 伸太郎 / Shintaro Ajioka
<Condition> Body: Covers small scratches, small scratches, small scratches, ground, small bites, small scratches, small scratches