Flower Arrangement - Free Style

Edith Brack

¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)

Publisher/The Whitethorn Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/104   Size/148*210*8
"Flower Arrangement-Free Style" by Edith Black, a British flower designer (flower arranger). Born and raised in Cheshire. She has been studying Ikebana in Japan for over 6 years, and is a designer with a reputation for beautiful creations that add the essence of oriental beauty to Western beauty. Many books on flower arrangements have been published, including Flower Arranging (1982), Women's Institute Guide to Arranging Flowers (1988), and The Creative Guide to Flower Arrangin (1992). This is a collection of works that were promoted in the 70s, with text on the left page and illustrations on the right page. The illustrations are basically monochrome, but the color works scattered throughout the place are beautiful and are a good accent for the book.
<Related Artists> John Blakemore
<Condition> Main body: Cover with little damage, minor stains, minor damage in front of owner seal (Conditions: Accpetable)