ESPANA OCULTA Public Celebrations in Spain, 1974 - 1989

Cristina Garcia Rodero



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/135   Size/290*290*13
A collection of photos by Spanish female photographer Cristiano Garcia Rodero. Born in 1949. Studied painting at the University of Madrid, and then became a teaching professor, but at the same time, researched and photographed traditional polytheistic festivals. In recent years, he traveled around the world to study traditions of other cultures. At the 2001 Venice Biennale, he unveiled a voodoo ritual that has been recorded in Haiti for over four years. Become a regular member of Magnum in 2009. This book is a representative work of Garcia Rodero and is a book that summarizes the records of festivals in various parts of Spain from 1974 to 1989. The Spanish version, published in 1989, received the “Book of the Year Award” and Eugene Smith Award at the Arles Photo Festival, and has since been translated and published in various regions. This is an American version published in 1995. Documentaries of festivals with different atmospheres and styles, from solemn religious rituals to bizarre festivals with unique masks, and carnivals and bullfights. The eyes of the subject are interesting, but the skill of cutting out the moment of the festival stands out.
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<Condition> Body: Cover small thread, marginal damage, ground small thread, thin stained