The Sliver Cord

David Armstrong

¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/248*305*20
“The Sliver Cord” is a collection of works by David Armstrong, a leading American photographer. Nan Goldin was an alliance and partner who shared life in the apartment. Photographers have a reputation for portraits that are close to each other, but their styles are different. Although Goldin was a woman, the works of this era, in particular, made her feel “hard”, “dramatic”, and a strong “love”. On the other hand, Armstrong was “soft” and not adult, and it was characterized by its “classy” style. It may have been a partner for a long time because they were based on the same basic beliefs and inner sensibilities, but with different personalities on the surface. This book is a collection of works published by the Swiss publisher Scalo, which is no longer a book, and was edited and written by Goldin. Mixing blurry landscapes and portraits, while facilitating various imaginations, attracts editing that emphasizes the clear beauty of portraits. A young goldin from the 70s and a mature goldin from the 90s appear.
<Related Artists> David ArmstrongNan Goldin
<Condition> Good.