
Ketaki Sheth


Publisher/Dewi Lewis Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/90   Size/195*223*10
Indian female photographer Ketaki Sheth's photo book “Twinspotting”. Ketaki Sheth was born in Bombay in 1957, studied English literature at Bombay University, and then studied communication art at Cornell University in the United States. From the late 1980s, he studied with the prominent Indian photographer Rug Beer Singh and aimed the camera at the city and people in Bombay from a social perspective such as poverty and pollution. He then moved to London and is active in India and London. This book is a photo collection of twins with the last name Patel. Ketaki Sheth met a roster in London that lists only Patel surnames, and there were 25 pairs of twins. Patel's surname is the title that India was given by the ruling class during the Mughal empire, and it seems that not only India but also immigrants who moved to England had the name. Ketaki Sheth has been looking for Patel surname twins in England and India for four years. The number reached 125 pairs. This is a collection of high-quality portraits in black and white, and can be said to be a documentary based on the history hidden behind the surname Patel.
<Related Artists> Dayanita Singh
<Condition> Body: Cover damaged slightly, edge damaged slightly