'Brilliant!' New Art from London


¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)

Publisher/Walker Art Center

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/92   Size/270*330*10
This book is a collection of tabloid catalog works published in 1996 for the exhibition "Brilliant! 'New Art from London" at the Walker Art Center in the United States. Twenty-two so-called “young British artists” in their 20s and 30s who created a new whirlwind in the art world in the 90s were introduced. A representative artist is Damien Hurst, who is also participating in this exhibition. In 1988, 16 students who were enrolled at Goldsmith College in London at that time, without the help of galleries and museums, the main member of the exhibition “Freeze” was the main member . Since then, it has continued to "Gambler", etc., and artists will create a movement to exhibit by self-planning using factories and ruined buildings, to revolutionize the conservative British art world became. This is a unique book where you can feel that breath.
<Related Artists> David Hockney
<Condition> Body: Cover damaged slightly, edge damaged slightly