Frog Letter / Film Round Gazette




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This is a photo information magazine published from the photo gallery “Frog (Film Round Gallery)” in Yotsuya since the early 1990s. From January 1989 to October 1991, the monthly issue lasts for a total of 34 issues. It was published. After that, “Frog” continued to operate as a “mole” mainly for planning and managing photo exhibitions and publishing photo collections, not for information magazines. By the way, the predecessor of “Frog” was a free space called “Luna House”, where a group of several photographers called YCM (Yotsuya Contemporary Museum) organized various exhibitions. “Frog Letter / Frog Gazette” includes an introduction to the photo exhibition held at this gallery, as well as essays and papers by photographers and critics, etc., starting with the first issue of Shinzo Shimao, Shiroyasu Suzuki Toshiharu Ito, Kiyoji Otsuki, and others wrote regularly, and Ryuichi Kaneko, Kotaro Iizawa and others serialized regularly. Although it has a strong "reading" element, it is a very valuable information magazine for learning about the efforts and trends of "contemporary" photographers in the 90s. (Luna House flyers will also be included)
<Condition> Body: minor damage