おしゃれ少女図鑑 -Girl's Fashion 1970-1988-

栗本 信実 / Nobumi Kurimoto



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/318   Size/180*130*25
Japanese photographer Nobumi Kurimoto's photo book “Girl's Fashion 1970-1988-”. Norimi Kurimoto was born in Oita Prefecture as the eldest son of a photo studio. After studying with photographer Masaya Nakamura for six years, he began working as a freelancer, and has since played an active role in editorial fields such as newspapers, magazines and PR magazines. This book consists of 50,000 street photos of girls from all over Japan, taken between 1970 and 1988. The heroines in the city make the beginning of fashion. The girls who run through youth at full speed with the best of fashion, with smiles, youth and power. The illustrations with such thoughts engrave the history of the Japanese fashion scene from the 1980s to the 1980s. It is a valuable record of the history of Japanese fashion, a beautiful portrait of pure and innocent girls, and a must-see collection of works fascinated by the love of photographers.
<Related Artists> 栗本 信実 / Nobumi Kurimoto中村 正也 / Masaya Nakamura
<Condition> Good.