
Jason Langer


Publisher/Nazraeli Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/52   Size/360*285*10
American photographer Jason Langer's second book "Possession". After graduating from school, Langer is an artisan artist who has worked as an apprentice and printer for Michael Kenna and Arthur Torres, and has learned solid photography and printing techniques. This book is composed of 42 plates taken between 1990 and 2012, and the subjects are amusement parks, lonely bars, night streets and alleys, beautiful women and their chaperones, gardens, hotels, etc. .. .. .. I can think of a photographer walking alone in a strange land like a stranger. All of the works are poetic and romantic, and everyday scenes are beautifully depicted as if they were scenes from a movie. The deep monochrome print is also very attractive.
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Jason Langer

Very good.