Fantasms Ⅱ

Jean Rougeron


Publisher/Haney Place

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/238*318*18
Photo album "Fantasms II" by French photographer Jean Rugelron. Born in 1952. Jean Rugelron, who studied photography and films in Switzerland and built a career in Paris. In the first half of the 70's, they covered the intrigues of African countries such as Ethiopia and Chad, and appeared to have published their works in the news media, but in the 80's contracted with the European version "Playboy" and photographed women's nudity Jean became known as an erotic photographer worldwide. Since then, he has been working on publishing photographs and directing films and videos. This book is a collection of works that follow the first book "Fantasms (Phantasmes)". The style that incorporates the primary colors such as red, blue, and yellow into powerful and straight nudity may not be acceptable to modest Japanese people, but the idea and concept seen in the frame of a commercial photo is a reference It is one book with many points to become.
<Related Artists> Jean RougeronJean-Daniel LorieuxCheyco Leidman
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread ・ Edge small damage, Body: Look back small Yogore