A Loud Song

Daniel Seymour

¥33,000(¥30,000 + tax)

Publisher/Lustrum Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/255*255*5
A collection of photographs by American photographer Daniel Seymour. Seymour, who started photography under the influence of his father Maurice, who was a photographer, deepened his friendship and made documentary films, etc. because he was a neighbor with photographer Robert Frank in the Bowery district of New York where he lived. We are collaborating on many projects. One of the most famous is the Rolling Stones' "Exiles on Main Street" tour shoot and jacket production. This book is a 1971 photobook published by the publisher Rustrum Press, founded by photographer Ralph Gibson, and is the only photobook published by Daniel Seymour. Beginning with a tribute to parents, this unique book is a scrapbook of family, friends, colleagues, and photographs of past memories, along with Seymour's autographed text. Among the family albums published in the 70's, it is a masterpiece that is said to be the gold standard of personal documentary works because it excels in its contents and binding.
<Condition> Good.