1988 ニュー・ウェイブ・パンク・ロック エクスプロージョン / 1988 New Wave Punk Rock Explosion

Caroline Coon


Publisher/Omnibus Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/128   Size/205*270*10
Works released in the UK and released in Japan by Shinko Music "1988 New Wave Punk Rock Explosion / 1988 New Wave Punk Rock Explosion". "Johnny Rotton, Sex Pistols, Joe Strummer, The Crush, Dave Vanian, The Damned, The Stranglers, The Slitz-their exclusive photo, lyrics and interview posted! This is a punk rock And the movement from the inside of New Wave! The Pistols appeared in the late 70's, and punk became explosively popular, and its aftermath has spread to Japan and all over the world. Then, new waves such as New Wave were born, and this book is a compilation of this great movement, which continued until the 80's, with photo plates, text flyers, posters, etc. ).
<Related Artists> Derek Ridgers二本木 里美 / Satomi Nihongi
<Condition> Body: Cover small thread, heaven · earth · small mouth small yogore rimmed damage, other aged