扇子のケムリ 寫眞家の通信簿

秋山 亮二 / Ryoji Akiyama



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/258   Size/138*195*15
A book collection by Koji Akiyama, one of Japan's leading photographers, “The report book of the Kemri 寫 眞 family of folding fan”. Here is a collection of essays, centered on the documents written in that section, by Akiyama, who was in charge of selecting the photos of the magazine "The Lawyers" published monthly by the General Incorporated Foundation "The Lawyers' Circle". It's not an art-like feeling, it's not too documentary-like, and even though it's a traveler and some kind of cool looking journalism, it's always a human being, and its style is full of humanity. . While maintaining a sense of distance from the subject, with deep insights, many works that have captured the psychology of the scene, I also feel the fun of photography and the fun of life. This book is a wonderful book to know the mind of such a rare photographer. It is a book that you can study very much what kind of viewpoints and what thoughts you are looking for the "object" and looking through the lens. Also, thanks to Akiyama Celadon, the father and photographer who gave Akiyama an environment for studying photographs, and thanks to Shoji Yamagishi, the editor-in-chief of the camera, who continued to provide the magazine side by quickly discovering the talents of Akiyama. It is stated.
<Related Artists> 秋山 亮二 / Ryoji Akiyama
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread, body: Aging