Guiness Book / Pecolos Farm / Flora / Cuba Libre

横内 香子 / Kyoko Yokouchi

¥1,980(¥1,800 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/150*210*3*4
A photo collection of Japanese female photographer Hiroko Yokouchi. Born in 1959. Kayoko Yokouchi has learned photography at the workshop of Mikitani Mizutani, a photographer who also participated in the self-administered gallery "PLACE M" in which "Student of Tokyo Photography" and Masato Seto and Daido Moriyama and others participated. In addition to holding exhibitions in stables and in galleries in Tokyo, he is a photographer who also actively publishes photo collections. This book is a set of four copies of the Guinness Book (2013), "Pecolos Farm" (2015), "Flora" (2016) and "Cuba Libre", a photo book published at the expense of Yokouchi. "Guinness Book" and "Pecolos Farm" which projected the love cat Guinness and Pekoros. "Flora" which photographed the flowers of Boso which moved and lived through the four seasons. And "Cuba Libre" which snapped the street corner and people of Cuba who traveled. All of them are different types of photo collections, but you can feel the rich sensitivity in the side to find out the motif in everyday life. Each is a compact photo collection of A5 size.
<Related Artists> 横内 香子 / Kyoko Yokouchi
水谷 幹治 / Kanji Mizutani
<Condition> Body: Normal over time ※ This product can be delivered in letter pack