都市の軌跡 / Tracks of the City

柳沢 信 / Shin Yanagisawa



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*215*13
A collection of works by Nobu Yanagisawa, one of Japan's leading photographers, Tracks of the City. This book is a series of photographs published by Asahi Sonorama in the late 1970s, and the representative photographer of that time was nominated for a total of 27 books. Even today, the most popular are Daido Moriyama's "Shin Nippon Theater Photo Kite" (No. 6), "Awa Kai, Proton" (No. 7) by Araki Keigo, "Yoko" by Fukase Masahisa (No. 8) And Kazumasa Suda's “Fashion-style Hanaden” (No. 16), which passed away in March 2019, etc. If you ask about the best 5 of all 27 books, this work by Nobu Yanagisawa is a nomination . Many of the snaps set in Tokyo are "Good Eyes" and "Sense" like Yasuhiro Ishimoto and Masaaki Kasuga, "Light and Shadow", "Drama", and so on. It is a book that is fascinated by the many works of which the "fineness" of the photographs stand out. Text ・ Shinichi Kusori, afterword (English) ・ Ryuichi Kaneko. (The Japanese Photobook 1912–1990 collection)
<Related Artists> 柳沢 信 / Shin Yanagisawa
森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama
<Condition> Good.