The Park(Signed)

吉行 耕平 / Kohei Yoshiyuki


Publisher/Hatje Cantz

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/128   Size/225*305*18
A photo collection of Japanese photographer Kohei Yoshiyuki "The Park (Signed)". Yoshiyuki Kohei, who is originally from Hiroshima Prefecture, is a topic that was taken up by the “Week Shinshi” in the early 1970s, when he moved to Tokyo to work as a professional photographer, shooting a scene where a couple gathers and develops love in the evening park After that, he worked as a dedicated photographer for a British communications company and has been active as a freelance since 1978. This book is a collection of photographs published in conjunction with the exhibition held at Yossi Milo Gallery in New York in 2007. It is an English version of the 1st photo book "Document Park" published in Japan in 1980. A series of shots of the "peeping" scene in a park shot using infrared films and infrared strobes. The love-raising couple and the people who sneak in to see it have never been seen before, but this series has won high praise worldwide. Photographer signed (Signed) .
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<Condition> Good.