彼岸にて / Higan nite(Signed)

荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki


Publisher/ArT ROOM

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/215*298*20
A collection of photographs of Japanese representative photographer Keigo Araki who continues to receive huge support from around the world "Higan nite". "AaT ROOM" was established in 1988 with Nobuhiko Ansai and Shiro Tamiya, who were disciples of Araki at the time. From the 90's to the 00's, he published a number of works by limited publishing, which is one of them. This book was also shot with Russian-made LOMO, as was "To Photo Again", published by the same publisher in the same year. However, while "To Photo Again" was a full-length monochrome, this one is composed of full-length colors, and in a moody atmosphere, a woman with a nude bondage in the usual landscape still life It is a composition that interwoven the portrait of. The inscription is written as the former editor-in-chief of Heibonsha, who worked on a number of works by Keigo Araki, "Dedicated to Uchida Masaru," and it starts with a picture of Mr. Uchida's funeral, and Yayoi Kusama and Tadanori Yokoo. It will appear. Limited to 1,000 copies. Photographer signed (Signed) .
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Jacket · Body;