Schwarz und Gold / Black and Gold

Manfred Willmann


Publisher/Edition Camera Austria

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/95   Size/245*245*18
"Schwarz und Gold / Black and Gold" is a collection of works by the leading photographer Manfred Willman of Austria. Vilman is the founder of Camera Austlia, a camera magazine that introduced Austrian photographs worldwide as well as introducing Japanese and foreign photographs domestically. This book, published in 1981, is a masterpiece of Vilman and a masterpiece of his name in the world's photo history. The same edition was also published in the same year as the first edition of "AMS," the first Japanese photographer photographer Seiichi Furuya, who was published in the same edition at the same time as the editor of the camera magazine. This three-part book begins with the roots of Vilman, portrays portraits of surrounding friends and acquaintances, and describes the country life of Austria. Rather than "clean" photographs, there are many illustrations that somehow feel "unstable", and they seem to be Vilman's style with "surviving". I am drawn into the instabilities and lingering rhymes, and at the same time sometimes misleading, I feel the cleverness in a place that stirs up various imaginations. It is one book that is full of "charm of photo book".
<Related Artists> Elliott Erwitt古屋 誠一 / Seiichi Furuya
<Condition> Body: Cover small thread, other aged