
松元 省平 / Shohei Matsumoto

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/195*270*180
Japanese photographer Shohei Matsumoto's photo book "Human Village". Born in 1948, Matsumoto graduated from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University in 1975 and was the leader of the Modern Fort Seminar. Currently, he has moved to Kagoshima and seems to be focusing on astrophotography. This book is a collection of photographs of an abandoned mine on Sakito Island in central Nagasaki Prefecture in the late 70's. The Sakito Coal Mine on this island was closed in 1968, but it is also where the novelist Mitsuharu Inoue, who contributed to this book, worked as a miner in his teens. Matsumoto, who continued to take over Sakito for three years after the mine was closed, said, “The black shadows of uninhabited apartments, like gigantic tombstones, obscure my vision. It makes me shudder,” he describes his first impression in the postscript, and the buildings and towns that have fallen into disrepair after the demise of this industry are depicted in monochrome in a matter-of-fact manner. Speaking of Nagasaki, the atmosphere is similar to Gunkanjima taken by Ikko Narahara.
<Related Artists> 奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara
<Condition> Good.