塩屋・ウンガミ -沖縄県大宜味村塩屋ウンガミの記録-

平良 孝七 / Koshichi Taira

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/168   Size/190*255*18
Japanese photographer Kochi Taira (1939-1994)'s photo book "Shioya Ungami-Records of Shioya Ungami in Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture". Kochi Taira has had a great influence as a pioneer of the Okinawan photography world with Yasuo Higa and others. After going through the Ryukyu Shimpo Photography Department and the Ryukyu Broadcasting Television Press Department, as can be seen from the history of the Ryukyu Government (now Okinawa Prefectural Government) Public Relations Department in 1970, the scars of the war remained heavily, and the postwar Okinawa was shaken by the mainland restoration and base problems. Taira, who has been gazing from a journalistic perspective, published "Okinawa" in 1970. After returning to the mainland, he moved his eyes to Okinawa, and in the latter half of the 1970s, he published his own documentary "Painukaji", which photographed Miyako and Yaeyama archipelago for 5 years, and won the 2nd Kimura Ihei Photo Award. I will. This book is composed of illustrations depicting a series of "Shioya Ungami (Kaijin Matsuri)" held in the northern part of the main island of Okinawa, which was filmed over the course of four years at the request of local volunteers in the 80s I will. It is a folk event that welcomes a visiting god from Nairai Kanai of the sea and prays for good harvest, but the contents were properly recorded using texts and illustrations, and it was published to convey its precious cultural heritage to future generations for a long time. ..
<Related Artists> 平良 孝七 / Koshichi Taira比嘉 康雄 / Yasuo Higa伊志嶺 隆 / Takashi Ishimine
<Condition> Main body: Cover, low discoloration, low stain, heaven, ground, small edge discoloration, low stain, turn-back small stain