A Yorkshire Sketchbook

David Hockney

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)

Publisher/Royal Academy of Arts

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/155*215*15
"A Yorkshire Sketchbook" is a collection of works by David Hockney, who is very popular as a British painter and contemporary artist. In the 1960s and 1970s, when he was active as a flagship of British pop art with his classmates Allen Jones and Kitai, in the 1980s when he created photo collages and polaroid collages and broke new ground in photographic art, and in recent years ipad and others. A true artist who also creates illustrations with iphone and continues to greedily challenge the pursuit of expression methods using the technology of the new era. This book is a sketchbook of the Yorkshire landscape, where Hockney has been working since he left California for many years and returned to his hometown of Yorkshire. Hockney's colorful sense of color, drawing with depth that the more you look at it, the more you will be drawn into it. Hockney's philosophy is that drawing a picture as a painter requires "eyes," "hands," and "heart," which cannot be done by two.
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