I, Tokyo(Signed)

Jacob Aue Sobol


Publisher/Edition Braus

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/328*235*15
A photo book "I, Tokyo" by Jacob Au Sobor, a photographer belonging to Magnum Photo from Copenhagen, Denmark. In his mid-20s, Sobol fell in love with Sabine, who lives on Greenland, the world's largest island between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic, and lived with her, her family, fishermen and hunters for the next three years. I will send The book "Sabine", which recorded the record, was in the spotlight. This book is a collection of photos of the gussets and people of "Tokyo" where Sobol emigrated with a Japanese girlfriend from the spring of 2006. Sobol moved from Greenland, a city with a population of about 150, who had built close personal relationships, to Tokyo, a lonely city with a population of over 10 million and no acquaintances. Sobol starts a conversation with people who are next to each other on a park bench and points his camera at intriguing people and things. You will be overwhelmed by black-and-white photographs with a strong impact. The text is German. Signed by photographer .