Du Mich Auch

Anders Petersen

¥7,700(¥7,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー(レザー装幀)   Pages/90   Size/245*198*15
Swedish photographer Anders Petersen's photo book "Du Mich Auch". Known for his grainy tones and high-contrast black-and-white works, Petersen has been at the forefront since the 1970s and was published in 1978 in Hamburg's café bar, a collection of photographs of people gathering at Café Lehmitz. Is still being reprinted as a masterpiece. This book is a collection of photographs focusing on 1967-70, when Petersen's early days "Café Lehmitz" were filmed. Works taken in Hamburg, Germany and Stockholm, Sweden are included. There are many works with an atmosphere similar to "Café Lehmitz" and the 1st photo book "Gröna Lund (1973)" in the early days, and it has a "hidden" impression compared to the works after the 90's, but Peter for "people" This is a photo book that invites Sen's gentle affection and nostalgia.