ファッションカレント(1977.5) 第2巻・第5号




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/208*300*5
Fashion information magazine "Fashion Current" published in the late 1970s. Aiming to be an "unconventional fashion magazine," it is not a magazine that introduces only so-called "trends" and "collections," but rather an artist who looks at fashion from a slightly diagonal angle, such as "producer," "children's revolution," and "bus." Fashion current with a strong subculture element composed of a unique layout with texts and plates by various guests such as designers, producers, writers, editors, and photographers. This book is the May 1977 issue and the theme is "divorce". In addition to texts by Nagisa Oshima, Kyoko Michishita, Tomoko Inukai, Mad Amano and others, photographic plates by Koichi Inakoshi, Masayoshi Sukita, Kazumi Kurigami and others are included. At the end of the book, there is also an image of "Wise / Y's" by Hataki Mie styling and "Quiet Holiday" modeled on Jun Fubuki by Masami Kume.
<Related Artists> 稲越 功一 / Koichi Inakoshi
<Condition> Body: Cover Slight stain, Slight damage Heaven, Earth, Small edge Scratch, Stain, Slight damage