照度 あめつち 影を見る / Illuminance, Ametsuchi, Seeing Shadow

川内 倫子 / Rinko Kawauchi



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/141   Size/213*298*10
``Illuminance, Ametsuchi, Seeing Shadow'' is a collection of works by Japanese female photographer Rinko Kawauchi. To put it in fashion terms, he is a very "real clothes" photographer, and his selection of motifs, expressions that are moderately restrained, compositions and coloring, etc., are the central expressions that many Japanese women have. It may be said that he is a person. A number of works that could be described as "accessible contemporary art" rather than "accessible luxury." This book is a collection of works published on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in 2012. Includes interviews such as ``Obsession with Time and Memory'', conversations with Reiko Ikemura and others, and ``Rinko Diary 2012'' with diary entries and captions. The book design by Kaoru Kasai and Yutaka Masuda is also beautiful.
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