City of Shadows(First Edition)

Peter Doyle


Publisher/Historic Houses Trust

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/240   Size/310*215*25
This book is a collection of photographs published at the "City of Shadows" exhibition held at the "Justice Police Museum" in Sydney from 2005 to 2006. "City of Shadows" is an exhibition that was curated by Peter Doyle, a writer born in his hometown of Sydney and famous for "Get Rich Quick". A trail of more than three years of Peter Doyle investigating thousands of negatives taken by the Sydney police as evidence photographs in the first half of the 20th century. It is a valuable collection of materials that unravels the past dark history of Sydney, Australia's largest city, which is now extremely prosperous, and details the scenes of riots and crimes and the murderers and victims. At the same time, through the streets, buildings, interiors, residents and their lifestyle scenes and fashion, the historical background of the time is clearly depicted, making it a very spectacular work. Published in 2006, first edition.
<Related Artists> Peter DoyleMike Disfarmer

<Condition> Good.