築地仁 写真

築地 仁 / Hitoshi Tsukiji

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/303*213*10
A photo collection of Hitoshi Tsukiji, a photographer of Japan, Hitoshi Tsukiji Photo. Hitoshi Tsukiji who has been working to pursue the meaning and essence of "city" and "photograph" since the mid-1970s. While looking into the city to find out what to do next, I was fascinated by the waves of light, the glow of the shadows, and the beauty of the shape, and the shutter was released. Many of the illustrations captured with the transparent look overflow in the uniqueness of contrast, texture, perspective, and composition, and let us think about the meaning and essence of space-time weaving. This book was taken from 1998 to 2011, and the Tsukiji finder focuses on the mineral elements that make up the city, such as buildings, stairs, construction sites, walls, etc., but straight lines and curves Cut urban shapes, such as geometric textures, textures of materials such as metal, glass, and concrete. At the end of the book Tsukiji states, "Photos are not subordinate to the meaning of the subject. It is a place where the image itself stands." The binding is Nobuyoshi Kikuchi.