
Bettina Rheims


Publisher/Gina Kehayoff

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/57   Size/310*235*18
Photo book "Animal" of female photographer Bettina Reims representing France. It was found in the magazine "Egoist" and made a debut after taking pictures with strippers and street performers. Active in the fields of magazines, advertisements, fashion mainly on nudes and portraits such as models, actresses, strippers and entertainers, continues to take exciting and delicate photographs with "raw" and "sex" motifs You are This book is an animal series that shows stuffed animals different from Bettina Lance. By capturing the unrealistic expression of the stuffed animal, on the other hand, the expression of realistic and even vitality, the unique sense of the world is expressed, such as "life in death".
<Condition> Body: cover very small stain, small Atarikisu, heavenly burnt, slight stains, small mouth extremely small stain, look back small stains, others over time