系譜 / Genealogy

迫 幸一 / Koichi Sako



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/108   Size/270*260*18
Japanese photographer Koichi Sako's photo book, Genealogy. Born in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture in 1918, Koichi Sako is a photographer representing the area that was active after the war. Asahi Camera, Camera Daily, Optical Paintings, and other works were frequently presented, exhibited in the exhibition “Abstract with Cameras” at MoMA in New York in 1959, and performed at the Victoria Albert Museum in London in 1975. A photographer who has exhibited in the “National Land” exhibition and has collected a total of seven permanent collections. There are only a few works published, and in 1990 a collection of works with the motif of Etajima was promoted. In the youth era, the main work of the artist who was longing to become a poet and was attracted by the mysterious nuances of black and white gradation and the unique volume, was devoted to the world of "monochrome" is recorded The One book that is fascinated by the rich use of cameras reminiscent of sumi-e and paintings, and a number of wonderful works overflowing with a sense of form.
<Related Artists> 迫 幸一 / Koichi Sako新山 清 / Kiyoshi Niyama植田 正治 / Shoji Ueda
<Condition> Slip Case: Small Scratch, Small Scratch, Small Scratch Jacket: Stain, Body: Heaven / Ground / Small Slight Stain