Life's a Beach / Life's a Beer / Life's a Ball / Life's a Parade

Rennie Ellis

¥66,000(¥60,000 + tax)

Publisher/Lothian / Currey O'neil / Ross Books

   Published/1985 / 1984 / 1985 / 1986
Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/205*215*5 (×4)
A set of 4 books, "Life's a Beach", "Life's a Beer", "Life's a Ball" and "Life's a Parade", a collection of photographs by Australian photographer Rennie Ellis. Rennie Ellis, a photographer who has been active since the end of the war as a journalist, documentary and street photographer. Ellis published a collection of 17 works until her sudden death in 2003, but this series of "Life's a ..." is definitely a masterpiece. Introduced in the mid-1980s, including "Beach," which depicts beach life, fashion collection shows and behind-the-scenes "Parade," party scenes, "Ball," and everyday scenes from a beer powerhouse. It is 4 works of "Beer". In addition to the current affairs and criticism that recorded the era of Australia in the 1980s, the artistry that captured the unknown underground world has received high praise from domestic and foreign photographers, and photography is not limited to "art". A historic masterpiece by a great photographer who continued to follow the path of belief as a home and continued to take snapshots with insatiable curiosity.
<Related Artists> Rennie Ellis
<Condition> Good.