If You Leave -Volume Ⅳ-




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A photo book "If You Leave -Volume Ⅳ-" edited by Laurence Tarquin von Thomas, a UK-based artist. “If You Leave,” a web magazine started by photographer Laurence, to provide a place for young photographers to present their creative activities. Laurence edited and distributed a number of photographers' works posted and collected from around the world with the motif of "If You Leave", and began publishing as a photobook in 2010. The fourth issue of the final was published in 2013 with only 1,000 copies (including Reprint) of each issue. In addition to the purpose of publishing a photobook, the splendor of its contents is also remarkable. The book also features the work of dozens of young artists, including Theo Gosselin and Ren Hang, who died suddenly and became a legend.
<Condition> Body: cover small thread, edge minimal damage, and other aging