In Still Air

Dana Stoelzgen

¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)

Publisher/Peperoni Books

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/280*190*8
A photo book "In Still Air" by Dana Stoelzgen, a female photographer born in Vienna, Austria and currently based in Cologne, Germany. Born in 1979, Stoelzgen studied photography at the Photo Academy in Cologne, then moved to Ostkreuz in the former East Berlin to study under one of Germany's leading photographers, Ute Mahler. Since then, he has held exhibitions all over Europe, mainly in Germany, and has published three photo books so far. This book is Stoelzgen's 3rd collection of works, focusing on the "time" of "women". The girl looks to the future, the old woman looks back on the past of love, hope, joy, sorrow, and loss, and the adult woman in the midst of life looks to the past and future. look in both directions. Each generation is like a mirror that reflects each other, and its "appearance" and "memory" govern "thinking." This is a conceptual photo book that shines with the delicate depictions of a female artist.
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<Condition> Very good.