ナルシスの変貌 Photo Imagination

剣持 加津夫 / Kazuo Kenmochi

¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/305*215*15
A photo book by Japan's leading photographer, Kazuo Kenmochi, "Photo Imagination". A representative photographer of postwar Japan, mainly from people such as VIVO, PROVOKE, and CAMP. We must not forget the existence of this extraordinary man in the world of photography in the 60s and 70s, which is now very popular worldwide. Kazuo Kenmochi. A photographer who continued to announce reportage in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the National Police Agency for more than 40 years, calling it the "Drug Expulsion Campaign" in order to wait for the "drug vortex" spread by U.S. soldiers after the war defeat. .. Furthermore, in order to avoid confidentiality and human rights violations in drug investigations, we have learned the abstraction of photographic expressions by taking ingenuity of shooting methods and using mechanisms, and by making full use of that technology, the art of "sex" and "eros" He is a rare photographer who finds his own unique sense of world in his artistic expression and has been active as an artist as well as a journalist. This book is the world of Eros in which the artistry of Kenmochi is fully demonstrated. According to himself, "This is not a photo book, but "Photo Immigration"". The end of the book also contains detailed texts about the special technology. Romanticism by a photographer who masters both "record" and "creation".
<Related Artists> 剣持 加津夫 / Kazuo Kenmochi
<Condition> Good.