日曜流離 / Sundays Wandering(Signed)

堀 道生 / Michio Hori



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/223*250*10
Japanese photographer Michio Hori's photo book "Sunday Wandering". Michio Hori was born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1953, graduated from Tokyo College of Photography in 1977, and has been holding exhibitions since the 1980s. In the 2000s, he started a series of “Midway” series at Place M. In recent years, he has moved to the gallery Soshasha and continues to announce “Midway” series. This book is a 1st photo book published in 2000. At the beginning, "I'm spending a day wandering near Tokyo on Sundays of 'Weekly Holidays'. Perhaps people passing by are traveling in different countries. Holidays are short days. Begins with the text "Long overcrowding is waiting for us." Taking photos freely during the only break may be the bliss of the photographer. Such thoughts are clearly expressed in the photographs, and the illustrations of people enjoying relaxation and the illustrations that capture the unique moments in a satirical style are attractive. This book is full of the fun of snapshots. Signed by photographer .
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<Condition> Body: Small dirt, other aging