Revealing Lights

Lilo Raymond

¥11,000(¥10,000 + tax)

Publisher/Little, Brown

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/88   Size/260*285*15
"Revealing Lights" by American female photographer Lilo Raymond. A white room with a faint light. A white curtain, a white dresser and mirror, and two white pillows. Born in Frankfurt, Germany, and emigrated to New York, USA, the photographer Lilo Raymond's tranquil photographs are on the cover of this book, her first photo book published in 1989. Her major works, which were active in the 1960s and 70s and also shot portraits of The Beatles and John Lennon, are collected in the MoMA and Metropolitan Museum of Art. The feminine elegance and softness of the photographs are poetic and breathtaking. A masterpiece that should be called a sample of Still Life.