日本の刻印 -四半世紀の目撃-

藤崎 康夫 / Yasuo Fujisaki

¥33,000(¥30,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/233*180*5
A photo book by Yasuo Fujisaki, a Japanese photographer and writer, "Japanese Engraving -A Quarter Century Witness-". Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1936, he spent his childhood in Korea. Interested in it, and later worked as a reportage writer. Since then, while publishing many books on immigration issues, education, children's literature, etc., he has made a great contribution to bridging Brazil and Japan as the Japanese branch president of the Brazilian Japanese newspaper "Nikkey Shimbun (formerly Paulista Shimbun)". Yasuo Fujisaki. This book is a collection of reports published in 1970, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Okinawa, Korean Atomic Bomb Victims, Koreans in Japan, mixed-breed children with American military and Japanese mothers, and Yokkaichi and pollution problems. An ambitious work focusing on those who have lived in the shadow of the "Historical Valley" 25 years after the war. The art direction is Setsu Asakura.