Local Color

Truman Capote


Publisher/Random House

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/93   Size/240*150*15
Bizarre Truman Capote. An American genius novelist who created a number of best sellers in his youth, such as "Breakfast at Tiffany" and "Cold Blood". Its sophisticated sensibilities, such as delicate depictions and witty metaphors, have captivated many women. This book is Capote's 3rd book and is Capati's first nonfiction book that summarizes essays submitted to Vogue and Harpers Bazar in the late 1940s. Capati has a strong commitment not only to text but also to book design and layout details. Probably, the book's decoration is excellent. Red, white, black and gray colors, red top edges, elegant graphics, and 18 beautiful pictures attached to the text. Looking at photographer credits, Henri Quartier-Bresson, Bill Brandt, Cecil Beaton, Clifford Coffin, Louis Fore, etc. What a gorgeous photo essay.
<Related Artists> Richard AvedonAndy WarholDavid HockneyCecil BeatonBill Brandt
<Condition> Jacket: Slightly stained, stained, edge blurring and blurring, backside minor stains, body: front cover minor stains, minor discoloration