
Martin Parr

¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)

Publisher/Dewi Lewis Publishing

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/155*113*18
"Autoportrait", a photo book by Martin Parr, a photographer from Magnum Photos from England. With vibrant colors and unique compositions, Martin Parr continues to capture the realities of society, economy and culture with outstanding insight. He has published dozens of photobooks since the 1980s, and is also known as a collector of more than 100 million photobooks. He is also famous as a photograph historian who continues to introduce famous and unknown photographers and their works from all over the world. Is. This book is a self-portrait series published in 2000. It's not just a portrait, but a unique book that uses commemorative photo services in tourist destinations around the world. He considers his identity and multifacetedness through portraits taken by local street photographers and photo booths, not himself. A humorous conceptual work collection that is typical of Martin Parr, which in a sense overturns the concept of self-portrait.
<Related Artists> Harry GruyaertMartin ParrChris KillipDaniel Meadows
<Condition> Very good.