In the gutter

Val Hennessy


Publisher/Quartet Books

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/95   Size/255*205*5
A photo collection by Val Hennessy, a British female journalist. Hennessy is a freelance journalist who has continued to serialize columns for a long time on the English newspaper Daily Mail. He is a highly regarded journalist, including Bob Dylan, Vivienne Westwood, and other British critiques of history and culture. This book is a collection of British punk rock culture that has flourished since the late 70s. This is a precious book that was derived from the special feature that Hennessy took up on TV and was published. Credits include five British fashion photographers Norman Parkinson and the press. The title is "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. / We are all in the dub. But they are the guys looking at the star from there. "