Divined by Dreams / 夢解(Softcover)

奥村 光也 / Mitsuya Okumura



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/238*250*5
Japanese photographer Mitsuya Okumura's photo book "Divined by Dreams". Born in Tokyo in 1951, moved to the US after graduating from the Department of Commercial Design, Musashino Art University in 1973. One of the oldest colleges of contemporary art in the United States, maestro Ansel Adams founded the Department of Photography for the first time in 1945 and was the home of the San Francisco Art Institute, which produced many prominent artists such as Annie Leibovitz. Graduated from graduate school. In 1978, he moved to New York, and while working as a commercial photographer, he is a photographer who travels and continues to create his own creative activities. This book is one of Okumura's 1st photo books, consisting of illustrations taken over the years in San Francisco after moving to the United States. The well-computed composition and effective contrast between light and shadow give you an outstanding sense of modeling and a visual and aesthetic sense. Also, the series of clear pictures and slightly out-of-focus snaps reminds us of the feeling of floating between the dream and the real world, opening the door to our imagination. Limited to 1,000 copies.
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<Condition> Main body: Aged