緊縛大全 / Sadistic Play of Bondage

篠山 紀信 / Kishin Shinoyama

¥33,000(¥30,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/260*185*25
A photo book of Kishin Shinoyama, one of Japan's leading photographers, "Sadistic Play of Bondage". Kishin Shinoyama has published a number of masterpiece photo books that have been handed down to the present in the early 70's, such as "Orere Orara" (1971), "House" (1975), and "Sunny Day" (1975). This book is a bondage photo book by a gorgeous lineup composed by Aquirax Uno, a world-famous graphic designer and illustrator, supervised by Oniroku Dan, a leading sensual novelist. A collection of early representative works by Kishin Shinoyama. Although the content has a strong taste, Japan's delicate and unique artistry such as the production of models of up to 24 people, eros and strong photographic plates, skillful depiction of monochrome and color, graphical layout design, etc. This book is a condensed version of the book, and is very popular with overseas collectors. First printing.