家 meaning of the house(Signed)

篠山 紀信 / Kishin Shinoyama



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/400*330*40
Japan's leading photographer Kishino Shinoyama's photo book “House meaning of the house”. Photographer Nobuno Shinoyama, representing Japan after the war, along with Nobuyoshi Araki et al. He is a prominent writer for portraits of women such as gravure, chaidle, nudes, etc., but with a strong curiosity about the “human smell” of architecture, space, food, etc. Shinoyama Nobunobu who continued to describe "feel". This book is an early masterpiece alongside "28 Women", "Olele Orara", and "Sunny Day". Visiting about 80 houses across the country, geohistorical, stylistic, academic, and other various meanings "A collection of works that were taken with the help of human life, smell and hand." From modern houses influenced by Western culture to quaint houses and ruins of Japanese traditional style, the strange atmosphere that human activities bring about, and the postwar architecture works that are related to the relationship between humans and houses Masterpiece. The text in the meaningful sentence by Koji Taki was later published separately as “Living House” and has been frequently expanded.
<Related Artists> 篠山 紀信 / Kishin Shinoyama
石内 都 / Miyako Ishiuchi
<Condition> Shipping box: Thread, scratch, dirt, seal mark Case: Small thread, small scratch, Main body: Cover small thread, small scratch