Takeo Kikuchi Autumn and Winter Collection '83-'84

植田 正治 / Shoji Ueda

¥8,800(¥8,000 + tax)

Publisher/Art Inter-Relations,inc

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/260*365*3
“Takeo Kikuchi Autumn and Winter Collection '83 -'84” is a photo collection of Japan's leading photographer Shoji Ueda. Shoji Ueda, who has a long-standing amateur spirit, has released many modern and experimental works set in his hometown Tottori's “Dune” and “Nature”, and continues to be highly regarded worldwide. Modern and surreal originality in a light Japanese atmosphere. The sense that has been refined even today can be described as “UEDA-CHO / Ueda” in the art photography world. This book is a reproduction of the catalog photo of the collection brand “Takeo Kikuchi” produced in 1983. In March of the same year, when she lost her beloved wife and lost her energy to take photos, she started working on a fashion photo based on a proposal from art director Mitsuru Tsuguo. A number of fantastic works depicting models dressed in modern western clothing in a Japanese countryside and dunes. An introduction to Shoji Ueda's “Sand Dunes Mode” that led to many fashion photography. Missing obi.
<Related Artists> 植田 正治 / Shoji Ueda
清家 冨夫 / Tomio Seikeマツオカ ヒロ / Hiro Matsuoka
<Condition> Good but missing obi.