ランドスケープ / Landscapes

小林 のりお / Norio Kobayashi



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/89   Size/228*305*10
A photo collection of Japanese photographer Norio Kobayashi. Norio Kobayashi is said to be the leading figure of "New Topography" represented by American photographers Robert Adams and Louis Boltz. Won the 18th Kimura Ihei Prize for First Light in 1993, this book is a 1st collection of works published in a private version, and the Japan Photography Association Award for New Artist. It is composed of landscape photographs that capture the changes in Tama New Town, a suburb of Tokyo. The history of the suburbs is engraved in the color plate, which looks like a catalog photo that does not change at first glance. Old houses made of tin and firewood were demolished, forests collapsed, red soil was exposed and "desertified" hills, where mansions, apartments and detached houses were built by human hands and machines, and nature and artifacts were built. It transforms into a mixed scene. A rare book that exquisitely expresses the depth of a photograph that makes you feel an "objective" but unusual "subjective" element, where "history" and mysterious "strangeness" dwell in the inorganic landscape . With booklet. Limited to 750 copies.
<Related Artists> 小林 のりお / Norio Kobayashi
坂口 トモユキ / Tomoyuki SakaguchiLewis Baltz
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread, small burn, small damage, obi Missing body: Heaven, small small burn, small stain, spread page small damage