ロンドン・ブック / London Book(「宝島」臨時増刊号)

中村 直也 / Naoya Nakamura



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/196   Size/150*210*10
This book is a London travel guide book edited and photographed by photographer Naoya Nakamura (+ 100% project) and was published in 1982 as a special issue of Treasure Island. In the early 1980s Shibuya, the editing of Naoya Nakamura who was also the producer of the legendary new wave salon `` 100% nylon '' that suddenly appeared in the center street, the content is also different from the general guide book, The theme is "Sex" and "Drag" in addition to "Rock", "Music Place & Record Shop", "Art", "Fashion", "Film", "Magazine", "Food", "TV & Radio". It is a subcal content for core fans, such as interviews with photographers Anton Corbin, musicians Tony Hadley and Malcolm McLaren, and the introduction of film director Derek German, by Nakamura depicting the London movement One book with great photos and book design.