Sun Gardens Victorian Photograms

Anna Atkins

¥33,000(¥30,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/103   Size/310*230*15
Photo collection "Sun Gardens Victorian Photograms" by Anna Atkins, a British botanist and photographer. Recently, “The Pencil of Nature”, which has been described as the world's first photo book by Akasha, has been published and became a hot topic. Is the original book "British Algae Cyanotype Impressions". The discussion seems to be divided between public and private versions, but the fact that it was the first female photographer in the world seems certain. In fact, Atkins was inspired by Fox Trobot's advice and published, but he was only fascinated by the beauty photographed by Siano. You will be amazed by the delicateness of the plants and seaweeds and the beauty of the form. This book is a must-read for anyone who likes still life and plant photography.
<Related Artists> William Henry Fox Talbot
Zeva OelbaumIrving PennJohn Blakemore
<Condition> Good.