The Color of Time

Sean Scully

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/208   Size/240*340*28
"The Color of Time" is a photo collection of Sean Scully, a painter born in Ireland and active in the United States. Scully's work is particularly famous for its geometric abstract paintings, such as the combination of striped panels, and the diverse variations of color schemes and arrangements and their beauty entertain the viewer and create a variety of imaginary worlds. Will lead you to. This book is a unique collection of photographs taken by the painter Sean Scully on his travels and around his own atelier. The walls, façade, doors, windows, and other elements that are the source of inspiration for Scully's work are condensed, and you can enjoy a variety of colors and textures of materials. It is also interesting to note that the preface criticizes the relationship between Scully's photographs and those of photographers Walker Evans, Harry Callahan, Aaron Siskind, Stephen Shore and others. A must-see as a reference material for facade design and interior design.